STORY OF THE RED SELENE: Love, Family, Truth
Begin your journey to the darkest corner of the galaxy and discover where destiny takes you to… EC-21 JANUS is a space colony with all of its horror and dark history and you cannot relate more with it in finding the truth, family, and love!
You’ll be playing as Aaron, a space bounty hunter, hunting space criminals for money, Aaron didn’t meet his parents, he was told that he has lost them in one of the battles as his father was a general. He always hated them for leaving him. Going through his childhood he didn’t feel like to belong anywhere and that’s one of the reasons he became a space bounty hunter when he was grown. His mixed emotions kept him distanced from most of the people and tries to keep his emotions to himself. he loves to daydream in the galaxy in his free time. He is handy with his self-made axe and a professional when it comes to guns.

In the year 2830, EC-21 JANUS, An Explorer colony with the capacity of carrying 1.000.000 colonists into the galaxy, this explorer colony is unlike other ones, it is capable of carrying multiple massive ships and equipment to research and harvest valuable planets and moons. EC-21 JANUS has the capability to fully go stealth and block all the signals as it was specifically designed for a classified mission to research on a moon called Red Selene

The Red Selene
The Red Selene is the third moon of the planet Claudius 43f in the Imperium system, a small red moon that
might contain a valuable material, a new element that does not exist in the Mandaliof table. it is believed when the material is extracted, the result of nuclear fission of this element can give men the power of using a new dimension. Of its red surface it and its power it is called The Red Selene.

How it’ll begin:
28 years later, Through one of Aaron’s fights with bandits, Aaron’s ship takes heavy damage while going through a space portal and he’ll end up in an unknown system coordinates. he soon finds human trails in there, a floating space colony, massive structures, and harvesting plants and equipment yet he had never heard about this colony nor the mission. As his ship is busted he slowly approaches the Space Colomy, and he will starts his dark journey to EC-21 JANUS

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This section will be completed as we progress with the story development and the characters and concepts